Is Vinyl Siding Right For Your Home?
Vinyl siding has been the primary choice of siding contractors for the better part of two decades. The reasons for this particular option being chosen over cedar, hardboard and cement board are mostly maintenance related, but vinyl also offers a wide array of color options and an easy installation. That being said, it also has some issues that homeowners will not want to deal with, including color fading and durability. Find out if vinyl siding is right for your home by weighing the pros and cons of this popular exterior siding material.
Vinyl siding is a synthetic, man-made material and is very low-maintenance. It is available in almost any color imaginable. Hardboard and cedar siding will have to be painted and resealed periodically or else the material can be damaged. You'll never have to worry about repainting or sealing synthetic exterior materials.
The cost of vinyl exterior materials is relatively inexpensive when compared to fiber cement (Hardiplank) siding and cedar siding. For most homes, installing vinyl can cost about half the price of installing other exterior siding materials. Because it is easy to install, the installation time is considerably shorter and therefore costs less.
There is a wide variety of colors and styles of this popular exterior choice available to homeowners. The most common application is a horizontal pattern. Vinyl panels are available in different sizes to ensure you achieve the unique look that you have in mind. You can also apply it vertically on the gable ends of your house or wherever on the exterior that you desire.
Even with modern coloring technology, vinyl siding will still fade over time. Although today's materials will hold its vibrancy for much longer than the first products produced in the 1980s, you will notice some fading - especially on a portion of the house that sees long hours in direct sunlight.
As time goes on, vinyl siding will lose some of its durability. It is not uncommon for it to become weak or crack after years of extreme temperature fluctuations and normal everyday wear and tear.
Vinyl siding will last an average of 20 years on a typical house. Compared to fiber cement siding, which can last upwards of 50 years, vinyl has a very short life expectancy. However, fiber cement and cedar will have to be painted periodically in order to retain its life and durability.
Inexpensive brands of vinyl can seem like a good deal, but in reality they'll cause more damage than the price is worth. Beware of any options with a thickness of less than.042 should be avoided, as it is very weak and will do very little to protect your home.
Depending on your climate and home's environment, a good quality vinyl siding may be perfect for your home's exterior. With a experienced, licensed contractor installing your new siding, you can expect your home to look great and have the maximum exterior protection possible for many years.
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